Basil Babichev


The Proportional Path 
Collaborative Drawing
Revitalising Sicilian Heritage
Pepys House
Masquerade Mask
The Dacha: An Allegory to Care
Environmental Abstraction
Immaterial Abstractions
Brainchild Festival 2022: Shelf Life
Brainchild Festival 2021: The Shack
Field Manouvers Festival Pavillion
Modular Home Design Challenge
The Regeneration of Church Street Market
The Sea of Ice Arts Institute
Why Steal a Painting?

The Marketplace of Ancient Recipes

Immaterial Abstractions

The project investigates how abstraction can bridge between the physical and intangible realms. By developing methods to abstract our world, the investigation uncovers interrelations between these established languages.

Inspired by the mosaics of ecclesiastical architecture that emphasize the beauty of tangible elements, the work explores techniques that utilize light and simulation to capture this essence. Photosensitivity involves the conversion of light into tangible substances, establishing a shared language just as the coding of cloud data sets discloses the vulnerability of the digital realm.

Cloud data